Сучасний українсько-англійський юридичний словник ( І. Борисенко, В. В. Саєнко, Н. М. Конончук, Т. І. Конончук)
ім expertise; expert appraisal (examination); (висновок експерта тж) expert advice (finding, opinion); expert's report
• робити експертизу to carry out (conduct, make) an examination; examine; give one's expert opinion (on); survey; (заявки) to examine an application; (на новизну) to examine as to novelty; (на корисність) to examine as to usefulness (utility); (на патентоздатність) to examine as to patentability
• робити повторну експертизу to reexamine
• акт експертизи act (certificate) of appraisal (of expert examination)
• висновок експертизи (експертів) expert advice (finding, opinion); experts' report
• порядок проведення експертизи procedure of examination
• результати експертизи results of examination
• свідоцтво про експертизу certificate of appraisal (of examination)
• ~ для встановлення психічного стану inquest of lunacy
• ~ заявки examination of an application
• ~ на здійсненність examination as to practicability
• ~ на корисність examination as to usefulness (utility)
• ~ на новизну examination as to novelty; novelty examination
• вибіркова ~ selective (expert) appraisal (examination)
• відстрочена ~ deferred (postponed, suspended) (expert) appraisal (examination)
• дактилоскопічна ~ fingerprint identification
• графічна (графологічна) ~ handwriting expertise
• заключна ~ final (expert) appraisal (examination)
• контрольна ~ control (expert) appraisal (examination)
• наукова ~ scientific expertise
• незалежна ~ independent (expert) appraisal (examination)
• неупереджена ~ fair (expert) appraisal (examination)
• об'єктивна ~ fair (expert) appraisal (examination)
• патентна ~ patent examination
• повна ~ complete (full) appraisal (examination)
• повторна ~ follow-up examination; reconsideration; reexamination
• попередня ~ pre-examination; preliminary (expert) appraisal (examination)
• прискорена ~ accelerated (expert) appraisal (examination)
• спеціальна ~ specialized (expert) appraisal (examination)
• судова ~ court (judicial, legal) expertise; expert testimony in court; forensic inquiry
• судово-медична ~ forensic medical (expert) examination; medical evidence in court
• судово-психологічна ~ forensic psychological expertise
• термінова ~ prompt (urgent) appraisal (examination)
• технічна ~ technical (expert) examination
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